ReScape California
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RESCHEDULING: Sacramento RAPID Climate Action Forum
American River College
4700 College Oak Drive
Sacramento, CA 95841
United States of America
Wednesday, April 01, 2020, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT
Category: ReScape Events

Join us for the Sacramento RAPID Climate Action Forum

Postponed - rescheduled for summer 2020. More details coming soon.

34 cities in California and 1,433 worldwide have declared a climate emergency.  The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report stated that we have until 2030 to limit climate change catastrophe and it confirms that urgent changes are needed to cut the risk of extreme heat, drought, floods and poverty. 

In response to this timeline and call to action, ReScape established a Climate Change Consortium (CCC) comprised of scientists, public agencies, utility districts, non-profit organizations, citizens groups, landscape industry experts, and others within the field of regenerative landscape design and management. ReScape is establishing CCC Demonstration Projects that focus projects and model regenerative landscaping practices that mitigate climate change. Over the next 10 years, through 2030, ReScape will continue to provide training, education and resources, and gather scientific data through these field studies that monitor carbon sequestration, water conservation, and habitat creation; and work on policy efforts to influence legislation at the governmental and civic levels.

On 1 April 2020 in Sacramento, ReScape and BluePoint Planning are hosting the RAPID Climate Action Forum, a ReScape CCC Demonstration Project. The event will result in real, implementable regenerative landscape solutions to enable us to begin to tackle the climate crisis - within five years. An aggressive agenda will encourage open minded brainstorming but demands that preconceived, and conventional thinking be checked at the door. While most jurisdictions in California have a climate action plan, these are focused on long-term strategies with limited ability to offer true crisis-oriented responses in a short-to mid-term timeframe. Local governments and businesses need assistance, political will, and focus to help build on this sense of urgency and translate it into real change - that means finding the right steps to empower systemic change. The Sacramento RAPID Climate Action Forum will provide a path to feasible action in regenerative landscaping practices, leveraging this momentum, providing a sense of purpose and impact to practitioners and local governments. The Forum organizers are committed to take this strategic thinking to the next level and will work together to implement the most promising 3 to 5 top priorities. Sacramento stakeholder participation is essential in addressing climate change issues unique to the Region.

Event is by invitation only. Please reach out to Teresa Martinez Gonzales if you are interested in participating.

Contact: [email protected]